Last Requests

requests listed

Local product

1 year ago Business opportunity

I have trading company based out if UAE, I am intersted to import some moroccan products into Dubai like Amlou etc.. please contact me on my mobile number 00971557420905

1 year ago Import to Angola

I would like to know thé quote of more that 5 thousand 25 kg bag of rice for importation


1 year ago Importations de fruits et légumes pour la Guinnée Conakry

Bonjour Madame, monsieur, Je souhaite importer pour la guinée. Prière de me contacter par whatsapp pour un devis pour : Mangue, Peche, Abricot, Aubergine, Persil, prune, Pruneau, raisin blanc, rouge, myrtilles, Kaki, "Fegouss", cerise, brocolli, citron, pamplemouse, fraise, variété de poivron, courgette. Merci

Local product

1 year ago Intéressé par Amlou pistache, Amlou noix de cajou et dattes

Bonjour, Je serai intéressé par vos produits notamment amlou. Amlou pistache et amlou noix de cajou et dattes, le tout en vrac et en dizaine de kg. Je suis en France et j'ai une activité professionnelle. Pouvez vous me faire un devis par mail. Cordialement

Consulting services

2 years ago Demande d'informations

Bonjour, Nous souhaitons lancer une gamme de produit prémium à base de pépins de figues de barbaries. Nous avons déjà notre producteur installé au Maroc, nous sommes désormais à la recherche d'une entreprise de sérieuse qui puisse nous permettre de packager les produits et gérer notre logistique, mais également une entreprise qui soit force de proposition quand au développement de la marque (proposition de nouvelles formules, diversification des produits etc), et surtout une entreprise qui puisse livrer nos clients rapidement et en toute sécurité. Ma femme et moi serons au Maroc à partir du 24 avril, si vous remplissez nos conditions, nous pourrions même prévoir une rencontre. D'ici là, je suis disponible par mail ou WhatsApp. N'hésitez pas à m'appeler pour que je puisse en savoir davantage sur votre structure et votre fonctionnement. Merci

Chemical fertilizers

2 years ago Import phosphoric acid to Pakistan karachi

We are looking for Phosphoric Acid - both merchant grade and purified grade. Packing in 200 liter or larger drums. C&F Karachi, Pakistan basis. Quantity 2 FCLs as trial order. Please share pics and specifications .


2 years ago Importateur d'avocat Hass en Belgique

Bonjour, Je suis à la recherche d'avocat Hass provenant de Maroc. Il me faudrait une quantité de 2 tonnes par semaines. Serait-il possible d'avoir le prix total en CIF Brussel si le transport fait par avion et le prix CIF Antwerpen si le transport est fait par bateau. Vous pouvez me joindre sur ma ligne WhatsApp ou par mail. Cordialement,


2 years ago Import to a variety of destination

Dear Sir, We would like to know if you are able to supply deep sea shrimp, Scarlet Shrimp (plesiopenaeus edwarsianus), Royal Red Shrimp (aristaeomorpha foliacea), Fine Red Shrimp (aristeus antennatus, aristeus varidens, aristeus antillensis), Sea Tiger Shrimp (penaeus monodon), Tiger Shrimp (penaeus kerathurus) Sea White Shrimp (penaeus indicus, penaeus notialis). Lobster ( any commercial species) to our branches in Europe and USA. We remain at your disposal to discuss further matters .

Local product

2 years ago Importation des produits d'artisanat marocain

Nous souhaitons nous rendre prochainement à Fès pour rendre visite aux exportateurs de paniers et de vannerie en fibres naturelles. Avec cette attente, nous vous saluons très reconnaissants.

Fish oil and meal

2 years ago Import fish meal and poultry feed to Ghana

Hello, I want to buy a container of fish meal and poultry feed to Ghana. Thank you

Are you an importer and you didn't find a product or a service in e-xportmorocco catalog ? Send us your Request For Quotation and we will connect you with the appropriate Moroccan providers.


2 years ago Import clementine and Kaki to Saudi Arabia

hello, We are actually in Casablanca for a week and we would like to meet in person to establish a business partnership to import "kaki" and "clementine" to Saudi Arabia. Please contact us through phone, whatsapp or email. Thank you,


2 years ago Importes capers to Macedonia

Hello, We would like to import capers to Macedonia. Feel free to reach us through email or phone to engage in further discussions. Thank you,


2 years ago Moroccan Beldi olives supplier for India

We want import Moroccan Beldi olives and dates from moroccan companies. We would like to have a quotation please. Thank you,

canned fish

2 years ago Import Sardines to United States of America

Good day, Our Company is acting with full responsibility request a quote and availability of the product below. PRODUCT: Sardines (Full Truck Load) Note: In addition to the above, Our Company standard Payment terms: Net 30 days from the date of supply with the supplier's Invoice. Kindly Send your company credit application form alongside with the unit price for the product above. Your quick response will be much appreciated.

Pasta and couscous

2 years ago Importation des pâtes en vracs vers le Sénégal

Bonjour, Je voudrais savoir le prix du tonne des pâtes sans emballage en vrac pour l’export vers le Sénégal Merci

Pasta and couscous

2 years ago Import Pasta to Benin

12 tonnes pasta coquille 50kg et 12 tonnes spaghetti 500kg, pouvez vous m envoyer ce devis sur mon whatsapp, merci pour votre comprehension

Chemical fertilizers

2 years ago Import fertilizer to Kenya

Let me know the import prizes for the fertilizer to import to Kenya

canned fish

2 years ago Import canned tuna to Angola

I like to know the price and the conditions to import canned tuna to Angola


2 years ago Oregano

I want to import quality oregano in bags and package in my country for sales


2 years ago Import mackerel fish to Nigeria

I need the price quotation for mackerel fish 20kg carton for import to Nigeria.

Milk and dairy products

2 years ago Importation du lait en poudre vers le Congo



2 years ago Imporation de la mayonnaise vers le Congo


Biscuits & Cookies

2 years ago Importation des biscuits vers le Congo

merci de m'envoyer votre game de biscuits et les tarif pour une importation vers le congo

Pasta and couscous

2 years ago Importation des spaghettis vers le Congo


canned fish

2 years ago Importation des sardines en conserves vers le Cameroun

Je veux une quotation du sardine a huile végétale 125g CIF port Douala, Cameroun

Milk and dairy products

2 years ago Import milk powder to Nigeria

Can you please send me the details of the milk powder price? I want to import them to Nigeria.

canned fish

2 years ago Importation des sardines en conserves vers Congo Brazzaville

je suis membre de l'unoc du Congo Brazzaville. je souhaite importer la sardine en conserve merci de me transmettre les prix par rapports au quantités minimales soit: un demi Contenaire de 20' et un Contenaire de 20'


2 years ago Import Argan Oil

We are looking for Kosher certified Argan oil products to import from Morocco.


2 years ago Import frying oil to Senegal

Bonjour, nous recherchons un partenariat longue durée mais pour 10 tonnes pour une première exportation vers le Sénégal

Organic Oils

2 years ago Import Argan Oil to Netherlands

Please send a quotation for argan oil. 100 ml bottles 250 pcs. To Netherlands Best regards,


2 years ago Import watermelon to Belgium

How much the current prices for watermelon per kg and how long for transportation to Belgium? I need a full container.

Skin care & body

2 years ago Import Care products to Belgium

I am looking for suppliers for Care products to import to Belgium. I will be in Morocco on 5 - 6 May and will be available for meetings.

Pasta and couscous

2 years ago Import Agrifood products to Belgium

I am looking for suppliers for Agrifood goods to import to Belgium (pasta, canned fish, biscuits & cookies... )I will be in Morocco on 5 - 6 May and will be available for meetings.

Poultry farming

2 years ago Import animal feeds (poultry) to Liberia

I'm looking for a supplier for animal feeds (poultry) to be exported to Liberia

Alcoholic drink

2 years ago Import Rosé to Nigeria

I am looking for suppliers of rosé to import into Nigeria.

canned fish

2 years ago Import Canned Sardines to Nigeria

I am looking for suppliers of canned sardines to import to Nigeria.

Local product

2 years ago Import Argan Oil to Nigeria

I'm interested in Argan Oil ; I need to know please : How much per mil? and how much to ship to Nigeria ? Thanks.

Veterinary Medicines

3 years ago Import Veterinary Medicines to Nigeria

We deal on poultry feed, vet medicine and poultry materials. I am looking for Veterinary medicines suppliers.

canned fish

3 years ago Import Canned sardines to USA

Looking for Canned sardines suppliers for the American market.


3 years ago Importer Huile de Mais et de Tournesol en Afrique

Nous sommes une société Tunisienne spécialisée dans l'exportation des produits agroalimentaires pour l'Afrique, nous souhaitons avoir une liste des prix de vos produits en huile de tournesol et huile de mais pour une exportation pour l'Afrique. Merci de préciser aussi si vous avez des pays d'exclusivité dans l'Afrique.

Pasta and couscous

3 years ago Import pasta and couscous for the Guinea market

Please send us the catalog of pasta ans couscous for Guinea


3 years ago Import spices to Canada

Hello, We need spices for the Canadian market for products: - Cumin: 50kg - Cumin beldi: 50kg - Sufi cumin: 50kg - Paprika: 100 kg - Ginger: 50 kg - Turmeric: 100kg - Cinnamon: 50kg - Black pepper: 50kg - White pepper: 20kg - Coriander: 50kg - Nutmeg: 50kg - Coarse salt: 500kg - Rass el Hanout: 50Kg - Mrouzia: 50kg - Mssakhen: 50kg - Chicken taj spice: 50kg - Beef taj spice: 50kg - Taj fish spice: 50kg

Biscuits & Cookies

3 years ago Search for suppliers of biscuits and chocolates

We are an international trade and distribution company in Tunisia and we are looking for suppliers of biscuits, chocolates, corn flakes, granola, musli to distribute in Tunisia.

Solar energy

3 years ago Import Solar Battries to Nigeria

Like to know the types and prices of the solar Battries

Fish oil and meal

3 years ago Import Fish Meal to Nigeria

I need a quotation CIF Apapa port for the fishmeal 20ft container

Skin care & body

3 years ago Import Makeup Removal to Nigeria

I will need to get a quote for your makeup removal. How much is it (USD) and what is the least quantity to be supplied. How long will it take to get to Nigeria and the cost of shipping. Thanks


3 years ago Import Sunflower Oil to Ghana

Dear Manufacturer, I’m interested in a sunflower oil.I want 1l, 2l and 5l. Please share all the pictures and quote for 20 FCL and 40FCL. I hope we can hear from you soon on how we can sign a mutually beneficial commercial agreement. Regards, Bernard.

Skin care & body

3 years ago Import Argan Oil to USA

I'm looking for a quote to export organ oil from Morocco to the US. What quantities do you provide and what is the breakdown cost to export this product?


3 years ago Import vegetables to Canada

Kindly, send us export prices for all vegetables both fresh and frozen.

canned fish

3 years ago Need Canned Fish and Frozen Fish

We are a trading company of food. We need quotations for Canned Fish and Frozen Fish

medecinal drugs


3 years ago Need a 40 feet container of fresh balck and Green olives

We are a whole sale company located in New York USA. We need to get in touch with Moroccan farmers self owners, exporters of olives, from Fés, Meknes, Sefrou or/and Ouazzane regions. We urgently need a full 40 feet container shiped to USA. We can make a Business trip to Morocco as soon as we receive a great deal.

canned fish

Local product

3 years ago Need quotation for Honey

Need quotation for honey to import to Nigeria

Local product

Poultry farming

3 years ago Fruits

Need quotation for dates, honey, sardines and veterinary drugs


3 years ago je souhaite acheter des robes et boubou d' origine marocaine

je suis à la recherche des robes et jabadour d'origine marocaine